
What is Will?

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A will is a document that sets out how you wish to dispose of your property once you pass away. They can cover items such as: How much money you would like to leave to a friend, family member or charity; How you want your possessions to be dealt with e.g. by leaving it to […]


Conveyancing Jargon Translator

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Are you starting the process of purchasing or selling your property? Have you had discussions with your agent, bank or lawyer and been bombarded with legal jargon which you don’t understand? It is important that you are fully informed during this process, below is a helpful explanation of key terms commonly used in conveyancing transactions. […]


What is Stalking and Intimidation?

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Stalking and Intimidation is an offence under section 13 of the Crimes (Domestic and Personal Violence) Act (NSW) 2007 (the Act) to stalk or intimidate with intent to cause fear of physical or mental harm. The section states:   A person who stalks or intimidates another person with the intention of causing the other person to fear […]


What is Larceny in NSW?

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Larceny or stealing is an offence pursuant to section 117 Crimes Act (NSW) 1900 (the Act), which states: “Whosoever commits larceny, or any indictable offence by this Act made punishable like larceny, shall, except in the cases hereinafter otherwise provided for, be liable to imprisonment for five years.” The elements of the larceny offence are: The property […]


Common Assault

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Assault is an offence under section 61 of the Crimes Act 1900 (NSW) (the Act) which state: Whosoever assaults any person, although not occasioning actual bodily harm, shall be liable to imprisonment for two year. Assault is the commission of any act that is intended to cause fear in another person or an act that […]


Varying or setting aside property orders

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property orders

A property order made by a court can only be varied under s79A Family Law Act 1975 (Cth)(FLA) for marriages and s90SN for de facto in contested matters and under s79(1A) FLA for marriage and s90SN(2) FLA for de facto in matters by consent. Who can apply? Under s79A(1) and s90SN(2) FLA “any person affected” […]


General Protections (Unlawful actions)

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general protections

What are general protections? The Fair work Act 2009 (Cth)(the Act) gives employees general protections, these protections intend to: – Protect workplace rights, – Protect freedom of association, – Protect from workplace discrimination, and – Protect persons who have experienced any of the above or any other unfair treatment. The Act prohibits an employer from […]