
S61KC Crimes Act: Sexual Touching

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The offence of sexual touching in s61KC in the Crimes Act has replaced the previous offence of indecent assault in s61L Crimes Act. The new offence of sexual touching is much broader than indecent assault as the touching by the offender is not strictly required to prove the offence. The offence of sexual touching under […]


How can victims of domestic violence find safe and secure housing?

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With the spread of Covid-19 worldwide and families in lockdown, it is unsurprising that more domestic violence victims are seeking urgent help as tension and violence in the home rises. The social isolation measures implemented in Australia have reduced victims’ ability to obtain support. NSW Victim Services has revealed that the number of domestic violence […]


Australian Government announces new Home Building Grant of $25,000

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Many Australian families were looking to buy their dream home in 2020, but amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, it has turned into a distant dream. However, the government has announced a new initiative to assist Australians in purchasing or renovating their home, whilst boosting jobs within the construction industry. The government has forecasted an investment of […]


Who gets to keep the pets after the breakdown of a relationship?

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Pets, in most households, are considered important members of the family. Families often have the view that pets provide them with emotional support, joy and unconditional love. There is a strong emotional bond between all members of the family and the pet/s. This makes it twice as hard to part with pets after a breakdown […]


Parenting Orders: Are your views of unacceptable risk considered?

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Any parent, especially during this COVID-19 pandemic, wants to protect their children from the risk of being infected and further becoming sick. But is the fear of potential infection enough to be considered an unacceptable risk to the child and thus minimise the child’s time with the other parent? Biondi & Koen [2020] is a […]


Can you be made to pay your spouse’s debts after divorce?

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Divorce is often a complex and lengthy ordeal with multiple stages, including separation, divorce proceedings, property and parenting proceedings. Property proceedings usually entail the splitting of assets such as property, superannuation & other funds, as well as the splitting of liabilities such as debt. However, debts incurred during the marriage are usually paid out of […]


Making false accusations

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It is an offence to make false accusations about a person. The offence is punishable by up to 7 years imprisonment pursuant to section 314 Crimes Act 1900, which reads: A person who makes an accusation intending a person to be the subject of an investigation of an offence, knowing that other person to be innocent of the offence, is liable […]