Enforcement of Covid-19

With alarming rates of Covid-19 cases increasing daily, Australians were left wondering how these strict measures implemented by the government would be enforced. Some of these questions have now been answered by the NSW Police Minister, David Elliot.

The government has spared no expense or manpower in governing strict social distancing rules that have been imposed by the government until this situation has cleared.

The NSW Police Minister has announced that these penalties are to enforce the government’s strict stance on limiting the spread of this contagious disease. The NSW Police force aims to make a strong statement that anyone not following these social distancing rules will be penalised considering current reports that individuals are not following or recklessly ignoring these crucial directions.
Some of these penalties include:

1. Fines of $1,000.00 for individuals; or

2. Fines of $5,000.00 for companies

Similar penalties will be imposed for individuals who are not following self-isolation rules. These isolation rules are now mandatory if you have:
o recently traveled overseas and returned to Australia, or
o come into close contact with a confirmed case of Coronavirus, or
o been diagnosed with Coronavirus.

NSW Police have deployed more officers to conduct random checks or investigate tipoffs received through the Crime Stoppers hotline. Police presence is also set to increase in the community to help enforce these strict measures.
Penalties for breaching these rules will come into effect from midnight tonight.

The clear message the government and police are conveying is that limiting the spread of this disease is the number one priority in Australia today.

Whether you are joking about having Covid-19 and transmitting this disease to someone else or whether you have Covid-19 and are charged with spreading this condition in a public place or whether you are simply not complying with social distancing rules, the government’s response is that you will be penalised to be dealt with by the justice system.

Although these penalties have recently been broadcasted, there may be future penalties imposed with the on-going effects of this disease. In saying this, Pannu Lawyers will ensure to keep you up to date with changes to the law that may affect you without even knowing it.

If you have any concerns regarding a legal issue you may have, please call Pannu Lawyers on (02) 9920 1787 to speak to our legal team to discuss how we may assist you during this time of uncertainty.

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