How can victims of domestic violence find safe and secure housing?

With the spread of Covid-19 worldwide and families in lockdown, it is unsurprising that more domestic violence victims are seeking urgent help as tension and violence in the home rises. The social isolation measures implemented in Australia have reduced victims’ ability to obtain support.

NSW Victim Services has revealed that the number of domestic violence victims seeking assistance has increased by 10% since the lockdown commenced in March.

The NSW Department of Communities and Justice (DCJ) Housing recognises the importance of safe accommodation and aims to provide access to secure and affordable accommodation for victims of domestic violence.

DCJ Housing has a range of resources and assistance available for those in need:

Rent Choice Start Safely program

The NSW government is providing $20 million in additional rental subsidies until June 2021 to help people who have already left or need to leave an unsafe home environment by providing appropriate private rental accommodation.

The Rent Choice Start Safely program will provide victims of domestic violence with housing support, including:

  • 3 years of rental subsidies in the private rental market, with the subsidy being calculated according to your income
  • Access to support services to help them sustain their tenancy

The eligibility criteria for this program requires that you should be escaping domestic or family violence and:

  • Be homeless or at risk of being homeless
  • Be eligible for social housing
  • Demonstrate that you will be able to afford the private market rental after the subsidy period ends
  • Be willing to receive support services if needed

To apply for this program, you will need to complete an application for housing assistance and apply at any DCJ Housing Office or with a social housing provider participating in Housing Pathways.

Rentstart program

The Rentstart program can provide financial help to people who wish to set up or maintain a tenancy in the private rental market, subject to eligibility. The program provides help through various methods. This includes:

  • short-term assistance for people facing homelessness
  • interest-free bond loans
  • advance rent payments
  • moving support for people who become ineligible for public housing.


If you are suffering domestic violence or have been accused of domestic violence, Pannu Lawyers can help. Pannu Lawyers regularly appear in various Local Courts for ADVO matters and have a proven track record in obtaining the best results for their clients.

If you want quality legal representation at affordable prices, please call Pannu Lawyers on (02) 9920 1787.


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